You Will Own Nothing, Rent Everything, Take Cold Showers, Become a Vegan, Everything Delivered…And You Will Be Happy
This morning this hit the wire and, once again, we are reminded how evil and vile these satanic globalist are, and how they want everything in our lives, not their lives, but our lives to be completely upended and then kill billions of us. Too harsh? Well, when your children start falling over dead from the jab, and there is this new anomaly called “childhood strokes” that will be the blame, remember we are attempting to warn you of what is coming.
People who have regular cold showers take 29% fewer days off work.
Read more about the cool benefits of cold showers:
— World Economic Forum (@wef) October 31, 2021
Did you know our world needed to be reset? Were you aware of that idea, concept? Well, these satanic globalist have thought a lot about reseting YOUR world and now there is a “rare opportunity” to do so.
14/7/20 – The Great Reset. "The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world". Klaus Schwab on how we can recover from COVID-19 to build a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.
— de nachtzuster onderzoekt (@Nachtzuster2) November 1, 2021
One of the ways to accomplish this goal is to have the people in the right position in order to pull the trigger, so-to-speak, at the right time in the right place. Here’s one of the tools now…
When the truth comes out.
Don’t ask me how I knew.
Ask yourself why you didn’t.— Emily Jayne (@aussienproud14) November 2, 2021
As you watch these images flash by remember that Texas was shut down during the winter of 2020/2021 – after a massive winter blast left ALL THEIR ENERGY PRODUCING WINDMILLS FROZEN NOT PRODUCING ENERGY. Also, remember the nurses and all first responders were Heroes last year and 100% disposable this year – “no jab / no job”.
Are you ready for everything to change by 2030? Well, the satanic globalist that believe they own you are most certainly putting things in place to do so. Have you been “vaccinated”, double, triple, quadruple “vaccinated”? Ever hear of graphene? Well, look it up. In the meantime this was the video that set off all the alarm bells about a year ago.
Pay very, very close attention to the words being used. A single word can change everything. A word like “polluters” might be important. Yes the image says one thing, but the word – which is far more important than the image – says something completely different. Are you a polluter? You better believe you are, because these satanic globalist sure do – remember they see most of you as “useless eaters”.
These satanic globalist will tell you any lie, any lie necessary to get you to take their experimental drug. Notice the use of black men in this video – the black community is the one community that is resisting the strongest and the loudest. “No honey for you without the jab.” These people are beyond sick.
Now using erectile dysfunction to try and scare men into getting jabbed. There really are no desperate lengths these evil elites won't go to, to get you to take the clot shot.
— Dizzy (@Fizz_og) November 4, 2021
Of course they want you children. Have you not been paying attention to the Virginia Governors election? It’s all about your children – you matter, just not as much as your pre-teen children. The ones they are truly manipulate and have them buy into their communist agenda. “Take the jab all you 5-11 year olds. Tell your parents you want to be jabbed, you want to be “safe”.”
Not true – you haven’t taken the time. The clinical trial on which this emergency (!) authorization rests was too small to detect a single case of vaccine-associated myocarditis in the active arm or a single case of severe COVID in the placebo arm.
— Ramin Farzaneh-Far MD (@rfsquared) November 4, 2021
Here’s a handful of the satanic globalist that should be remembered.
Ahh yes…the end result of this so-called “great reset”. Always remember, whatever they tell you is going to happen the exact opposite is the reality. For example, The Patriot Act is about as unPatriotic as it gets – please don’t take my word for it and read it yourself.
Meta in Hebrew means dead.
Welcome to the Transhumanist deadverse,where you will own nothing and you will be happy.— JoJo (@JoJo03011590) October 30, 2021
Without commentary…
Don't Just Be Anti-Left… Fight For Conservative Values! @CharlieKirk11 #iHeartAmerica
— Turning Point USA (@TPUSA) November 4, 2021
I’d say “ole “mean tweets” is looking pretty good right about now, wouldn’t you? Did I agree with everything President Trump did or said, of course not, I have a brain and know how to use it. What I truly appreciate about he did was expose the depth of the corruption. Expose the satanic globalist on a scale that is unheard of since the 2008 global wealth redistribution. So yeah, I would love a mean tweet right about now.
BREAKING: President Trump sends a message to the People of Arizona at @KariLake's Election Integrity Rally!
— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) November 4, 2021